Monday, February 22, 2010


What is MS ? What do you study in MS ?
MS as it says, it is “Master of Science”, your focus is primarily on the advanced topics on a particular subject. MS emphasis is more technical in nature. You will study more advanced topics in the area of focus. Just to compare, it is like doing M.Sc or M.A back in home country . The emphasis is more on advanced topics in that particular area. Lets say you pick MS in Computer Sciences, you study classic courses like Advanced Database Management Systems, Advanced Operation systems, Research Methods, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Advanced programming languages…sorry if you are not a computer science major and you did not get it. Overall, what I was saying is, you study the technical aspects of a subject to another level and more deep. To get into MS program, it is ideal to have same background in Bachelors. For instance, lets say you have B.Tech in Computer Sciences, then it is ideal to take MS in Computer Sciences or if you have BA or B.Com with focus on Economics or Finance, then you can do MS in Accounting or Finance. If you are from different background, then you would have to do lot of foundation classes to change the major.

What is MS good For ? What can I do with MS ?
As MS is more technical in nature, it is good for doing further research by PhD or to work in technical positions in your job. It can be like Database Architect, Marketing Research Director, Advance Tax & valuation expert, etc. It will give you edge in the technical area you are working or research. Many people who wish to become professors one day, choose this path so that they can go to PhD and then become a professor some day. Some just take because they love the subject and want to know the details to an advanced level.

What is MBA ? What do you study in MBA ?
MBA as it says, it is “Master of Business Administration”, clearly we can see it is an Administration or Management degree by name. It is no way technical in nature. You are not trying to explore the depth of a particular subject; you are trying to learn various aspects of a business and learn management skills to administer company’s or organization’s resources and people effectively. Typically, 2/3rd of the classes will be fundamental courses of Business and administration like Accounting, Corporate Finance , Organization behavior, IT for Managers, Marketing Strategy, Economics, Operations strategy, Leadership and Negotiation, etc. Rest of the 1/3rd of the classes with be electives and you have the choice. You can pick Marketing, Finance, HR, etc based on your choice or your current industry. When someone says, I got MBA in Marketing, it means that they only did this 1/3rd of the classes related to Marketing. But, when someone says, I have MS in Marketing, it means they had around 80 – 100% of their classes in Marketing ONLY. You see the difference ? Based on university it changes, but generally you can do your own set of classes that you like for the 1/3rd of classes in MBA with variety of mix, then you will not have a degree in specialization. It will be called General Degree in MBA.

What is MBA good for ? Where can you work with MBA ? What is career path ?
MBA is for those of you who want to work in a management position. The degree teaches you all about Business and how to effectively administer people, resources to make logical and smart decisions. It is ideal for anyone with few years of experience and willing to grow up the ladder in their company. It is for aspiring managers…If you want to grow to higher level in a company and one day dream of becoming a CEO or opening your own business, then MBA is for you ! You can do specific courses of Entrepreneurship to become an entrepreneur of a Business. There are people who do PhD too, but most of the people with MBA become managers and based on their emphasis and experience, they can be end up in titles like Director of Marketing, Global Sales Manager, Project Manager, etc. There are some people who do PhD too, it is because during their MBA some specific course got their attention and they got plugged in…


Anonymous said...

Dear mem, I'm seeking admission to MS ...can u guide me please


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